My initial idea didn't work at all, so I stole the movement from a different project and did my best to make it conform to the theme in the time I had. Definitely my least polished project for one of these jams so far.

Jump - space/A/LB

Dash - ctrl/B/RB

As long as your cooldown meter is empty you can dash and double jump. Wall jumping is not constrained by the cooldown meter.

Grab particle clumps - shift/X

the menu doesn't work at all, I have no idea why and I've been trying to fix it for weeks, so you have to reload to restart the game

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(1 edit)

After trying many times and just playing it too careful or thinking no way could I just make it by run-and-gun and leap-of-faithing-it...I got the cool cube thing! Did I glitch/cheat it? 

And found a movie to anim-gif conversion thing...and apparently it doesn't save as a looping gif. (if you don't see it moving...reload the page and quickly scroll down to here while its still playing)

Never did grab a particle clump.

Fun and beautiful looking game. Just need a little control key remapping

found a cool cube thing, not sure how to get to it tho

this is great fun! I got so close to the end so many times! but i cant do this last jump, i need an expert to show me how lol

Again this is amazing to be built so quickly, and all the controls, the water! outstanding! knowing how to stitch it all together is crazy good skills! 

Well done!